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Gender Jargon – List of Terms to Know

2TIGE – Two-Spirit, Trans, Intersex and Gender-Expansive

2TIGE-BIPOC – Two-Spirit, Trans, Intersex and Gender-Expansive Black and Indigenous People of Color 

Assigned Male At Birth (AMAB)/ Assigned Female At Birth (AFAB)- Someone who was assigned a gender at birth but identifies with the opposite gender

Assigned Sex – The determination of a person’s sex based on the visual appearance of genitals at birth.

Bigender- Someone who experiences two specific genders at the same time or separately and are not limited to the binary.

Cisgender – A person’s gender identity corresponds with their assigned sex at birth.

Expression- is the external appearance of one’s gender identity, usually expressed through behavior, clothing, body characteristics, or voice, which may or may not conform to socially defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being either feminine or masculine.

Gender Expression- is the external appearance of one’s gender identity, usually expressed through behavior, clothing body characteristics, or voice, which may or may not conform to socially defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being either feminine or masculine.

Gender Spectrum – It represents a more nuanced model where gender exists beyond the female/male binary model but instead exists on a continuum that can move more fluidly between masculine and feminine and allows people to identify with a more authentic model of their gender. 

Genderfluid- Someone whose gender identity and/or expression that fluctuates over time.

Intersex- Someone who has genitals, chromosomes, or reproductive organs that do not fit the female/male binary.

Non-Binary– Someone who does not exclusively identify as male or female.

Sexual Orientation- a person’s feelings of attraction ( emotional, psychological, sexual and/or physical) towards other people.

Trans / Transgender -It is an umbrella term for individuals who identify differently than the sex they were assigned at birth

Two -Spirit- Someone who identifies as having both masculine and feminine spirit and is used by some Indigenous people to describe their sexual, gender and/or spiritual identity.

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