About Us
Our Mission
TEP is a federally recognized 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to move our community out of crisis by creating equitable systems of support centered around Disabled 2TIGE-BIPOC (2Spirit, Trans, Intersex, and Gender Expansive members of the community who are also Black, Indigenous, and or People of Color), to ensure that we all get to thrive.

Our Values
TEP’s core values are rooted in the abolition of white supremacy, creating transformative and cultural change for our community, and building stronger collaborations as we aim to create new systems of support that are truly equitable by advancing solutions that center the most marginalized members of our community. Those who are Disabled, 2Spirit, Trans, Intersex, and Gender Expansive as well as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. (2TIGE – BIPOC)
Abolition of White Supremacy
TEP views the abolition of white supremacy as a core tenet of our work, because as long as the plague of white supremacy is running rampant, we can not achieve an equitable society.
This value reflects the organization’s commitment to dismantling systemic racism and addressing the inequities that disproportionately affect marginalized communities, such as ours.
Cultural and Transformative Change Leads to Empowerment:
TEP prioritizes cultural change over systemic change and aims to creatively organize and grow power for our community, by prioritizing the quality of our relationships over the quantity of them. Additionally, we believe that it is Disabled 2TIGE – BIPOC should be prioritized in achieving rest, joy, and healing. These values highlight the organization’s commitment to challenging societal norms and structures to prioritize our community into empowerment.
Because there are so many ways that people can experience being Trans, TEP is dedicated to finding and creating resources, in partnership with our internal staff, external community and our community of accomplices, to directly address the needs of our community. This value reflects the organization’s proactive and diligent approach to providing necessary support and assistance.
Bodily Autonomy for all:
TEP advocates for bodily autonomy as an inherent part of our work. This value underscores the organization’s dedication to ensuring individuals have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and lives.
Community-Centered Approach:
TEP is committed to addressing the inequities around us by creating sustainable systems of support that center the needs of Disabled 2TIGE-BIPOC individuals in their solutions.
Additionally, we believe in listening and regularly engaging with our community as collaborators through our communications channels, the relationships we’re building, and the data that we see moving in and out of this organization, so that together, we can build the equitable future we’ve been promised for so long.