We all deserve to thrive

TEP is a federally recognized 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to move our community out of crisis by creating equitable systems of support centered around Disabled 2TIGE-BIPOC (2Spirit, Trans, Intersex, and Gender Expansive members of the community who are also Black, Indigenous, and or People of Color), to ensure that we all get to thrive.

Lucretia is a black trans female seen wearing a beanie with her head resting in her hands in this headshot.
Understanding the Anti-Homosexuality Act
Written by Lucretia Ssenyonojo On August 9, 2023, the Ugandan Constitutional Court upheld the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which criminalizes same-sex relationships and imposes harsh penalties, including life imprisonment. This decision has sparked widespread concern and...
Photo shows multiple rows of clothing lining either side of a room, as members of the community look through them during a clothing swap in Knoxville, TN during 2019
Finding Gender Euphoria at a Clothing Swap

Despite the fact that clothing is one of the most abundant resources on our planet, especially in the United States, where we are high subscribers to fast fashion, it can be incredibly difficult to access gender-affirming clothing that is affordable for our community. 

From the discomfort of trying to shop in what may be an unaffirming and potentially unsafe space, to not having the cash needed to get the affirming clothing we want/need, clothing is one resource that the 2TIGE community is always in need of. 

Heather Knoxville is a white woman wearing multi colored reading glasses and a black t-shirt which reads "Our world needs women who are dangerously awake, fully alive and unified in heart and purpose."
Embracing All Shades of Womanhood: Getting “Louder With Love”
By: Heather Knoxville (she/they) In a world that too often echoes with division, Trans Empowerment Project (TEP) hopes to stand as a beacon of unity and love, especially through our transformative "Sisterhood Not Cisterhood" program. As we encourage folks to join our...
Here’s to a Restful Future
  In a world that never seems to pause, the act of resting can sometimes feel like a luxury we're not afforded. Yet, for members of the 2 Spirit, Trans, Intersex, and Gender Expansive (2TIGE) community, taking time to rest is not an indulgence—it's a crucial...
[Call to Action] Show Solidarity with the Unhoused
Today, a critical moment unfolds before the Supreme Court—a moment that will invariably leave deep imprints on the fabric of our collective conscience and on the lives of countless individuals across our nation. The city of Grants Pass, Oregon, has brought forth a...
Celebrating Women’s History Month: Women Are Making History Today
While my Trans identity is only a part of who I am and does not define me, my womanhood does. So, I adamantly refuse to be excluded from conversations about women's issues; all women, regardless of their background or identity, deserve a seat at the tableMarch marks a...
Finding Gender Euphoria at a Clothing Swap

Finding Gender Euphoria at a Clothing Swap

Despite the fact that clothing is one of the most abundant resources on our planet, especially in the United States, where we are high subscribers to fast fashion, it can be incredibly difficult to access gender-affirming clothing that is affordable for our community. 

From the discomfort of trying to shop in what may be an unaffirming and potentially unsafe space, to not having the cash needed to get the affirming clothing we want/need, clothing is one resource that the 2TIGE community is always in need of. 

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[Call to Action] Show Solidarity with the Unhoused
Today, a critical moment unfolds before the Supreme Court—a moment that will invariably leave deep imprints on the fabric of our collective conscience and on the lives of countless individuals across our nation. The city of Grants Pass, Oregon, has brought forth a...

Learn about our community, from the people who actually belong to it 🎉

Safety Exit