Finding Gender Euphoria at a Clothing Swap

Finding Gender Euphoria at a Clothing Swap

Clothing is what makes the (Hu)man; or so they say, which is why as our founder, I started TEP with a clothing swap.

I realized that clothing was one immediate form of gender expression that we have access to. Clothing amplifies outwardly the energy within our bodies. It introduces us to the world, without us having to say a word and is one of the many ways that we as humans have to connect to the world around us. Allowing us all to explore who we are, what we’re feeling, what we want to project to the rest of the world and affords comfort, especially against the elements during extreme weather.

Despite the fact that clothing is one of the most abundant resources on our planet, especially in the United States, where we are high subscribers to fast fashion, it can be incredibly difficult to access gender-affirming clothing that is affordable for our community.

From the discomfort of trying to shop in what may be an unaffirming and potentially unsafe space, to not having the cash needed to get the affirming clothing we want/need, clothing is one resource that the 2TIGE community is always in need of.

For the last few years we’ve been shipping out clothing packages to folks in need, but that’s just not sustainable!

So, now we’re asking our community members to join us in hosting clothing swaps across the country to make sure more folks get access to the clothing resources that they need.

Not only that, but clothing swaps can be a lot of fun; especially when organized with friends!  We’ve had folks hold one off-events and also held them as regular functions in Knoxville, TN until COVID hit.

You can organize clothing swaps with friends or open them up to the larger community. They’re a great and affordable way for everyone in the community (including our accomplices) to come together for fun and to freshen up their wardrobes with fresh finds.

ICYMI: Clothing swaps can help protect the earth by ensuring that unwanted clothing ends up in the hands of communities who need them rather than adding to overfilled landfills!

Did you know: “It takes almost 8000 litres of water – what one person drinks in seven years – to make one pair of jeans. And when those jeans are discarded, they join the 21 billion tons of textiles that end up in landfills each year. Of 100 billion items produced yearly, 14 for each human on the planet, three in five will be discarded within the year.”(UN, 2019) & (NRDC.org, 2019)

Check out this list of: 26 Shocking Fast Fashion Statistics & Facts to Know in 2024 from YourSustainableGuide.com

Interested in hosting your own swap? Join our Community Captains Community Cohort and we’ll help you get started!

[Call to Action] Show Solidarity with the Unhoused

[Call to Action] Show Solidarity with the Unhoused

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, a critical moment unfolds before the Supreme Court—a moment that will invariably leave deep imprints on the fabric of our collective conscience and on the lives of countless individuals across our nation. The city of Grants Pass, Oregon, has brought forth a case to the highest court with the potential to criminalize homelessness. As an organization built on the pillars of empowerment and support for the most vulnerable, we at TEP feel compelled to raise our voices against this alarming moment.

Imagine, if you may, the stress and strain of living without the safety of shelter, compounded by the looming threat of being criminalized just for existing, reacting or responding to circumstances—circumstances often beyond your control.

It is a grave injustice when the laws of the land do not protect, but rather persecute, those in the throes of misfortune and a somber reflection of our society when individuals are penalized for seeking the most basic human need for shelter.

Over the last several years, we’ve watched as the rates of the unhoused surge along with the cost of living and the rise in mortgage rates.

Compounding this issue are motions like the Safer Kentucky act, a piece of proposed legislation that has been deemed cruel, and would potentially authorize deadly force against those without homes—a thought that shudders the heart and shakes the spirit, especially for those of us who have had the misfortunate experience of being unhoused in a capitalist society. If unchecked, these movements could lead to a reality where the absence of a home is met not only with indifference but with hostility—a stark contradiction to any society that honestly deems itself as morally just and/or compassionate.

While doing the work that I do at TEP, I have witnessed firsthand how housing insecurities are ravaging our community, as—over 40% of our clients have shared their tribulations of not having any source of income whatsoever and 1 in 5 have indicated they had no place to call home when reaching out to us. Their stories are not mere statistics; they are harrowing narratives of resilience amidst adversity, of seeking dignity while staring down the face of societal neglect.

As members of a community that cherishes inclusion and uplifts the most marginalized, we must now band together more than ever. To align on our values of solving inequities by centering Disabled 2TIGE-BIPOC in our solutions; To advocate for policies that understand, prevent, and compassionately respond to homelessness rather than punish it.

We believe that no individual should be deemed a criminal for simply trying to survive without shelter.

Please join us by signing the petition below urging the Supreme Court to affirm the right to adequate shelter and to protect the human rights of all individuals, housed or otherwise. Let’s unite to alter the trajectory of this conversation—from one that criminalizes to one that humanizes, from punitive action to compassionate policy.

Your voice has power. Your signature is a beacon of hope. Your action is a step towards a future where the inherent dignity of every soul is recognized and upheld. Speak out, show up, and let your humanity echo through the halls of justice.

Together, we can shift the course of history—towards empathy, towards compassion, towards dignity for all.


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Safety Exit